Trolls In The Internet

Abrahan Robles-Quito
2 min readNov 16, 2020


Since the beginning of the internet, trolls have been lurking around waiting for any potential victims that they can easily target and hope to get the results they are looking for. It is easy to understand how serious internet trolling can be and the impact it can create within an individual or a community. Luckily for me, I haven’t gotten involved in any online harassment or any related attack in my experience of using the internet. But I have know some people and read the news of someone being targeted by trolls. Sometimes these trolls can be harmless but annoying, however some trolls can be harmful physically and emotionally.

There are a couple of reasons why these troll activities occur online. One of these reasons can be is that since you can be online as anonymous, many people believe that they are invincible and can do anything they want without any repercussion, which in the past was kind of true as troll activities wasn't taken seriously until recent events as more reports of these activities are being noticed. These causes people to do anything that the they believe they can do without having the responsibility of respecting others. Another reason is that trolling occurs is that they are attempted to cause harm to someone that they met online and don’t like them or to someone that they know in real life. The first part of the reason can be a huge problem as social media platform allows people to speak freely in a responsible way, but some people tend to not follow that and will simply target that person just because they don’t like what that person said.

This is an issue that's been going on for quite some time and despite their have been actions being made towards giving people consequences for trolling. It is not enough and its really late for this to happen as this has been going on for decades and have been ignored for the longest time until recently. For me, I believe in order to decrease this activity, punishments will need to be more severe or have a way where they need to identify themselves before they are allowed to make a comment on social media. Another thing that could be done is if the people who are being targeted don’t give a response to trolls. Many trolls are expecting their victims to give out a certain reaction or response and if victims response in a way that the trolls did not expect for it to happen then they will get upset themselves. I known people who trolls attempted to target but fails as they don’t get the results they wanted in which they get upset.



Abrahan Robles-Quito

U of MN Student who is majoring in Business & Marketing along with two minors: Leadership and Learning Technologies